Tuesday, 28 March 2017

From a Book To a Movie: The Juxtaposition Of Literature and Film

There are so many writers who write stories that are worth sharing with the world, but do not know how to mix the world of movies with the world of books. With book adaptations getting so much acclaim, writers have an opportunity to explore whole new avenues. Readers love watching their favorite book come to life onscreen, which is why movies like the Harry Potter and Twilight Series work so brilliantly.

Visualizing a story is something that most adept readers are good at, but watching the written story unravel onscreen is unreal. Apart from getting featured on online libraries like Mediakee, it is essential to explore new ways of introducing your story to a wider audience. Here are some things you can do to get your book-to-film deal.

Find An Agent

An experienced published agent with contacts in the industry can help give wings to your dream. Meet, communicate and engage with these book-to-film contacts and convince them why your story is different form others.

Have A Vision

It's essential to have a clear vision. Know how you want to present your story and be adept at explaining the plot to potential contacts. Make a wishlist of people you want working on your book and send it across to a book-to-film agent.

Know the Prospects

To get an opportunity, you need to first explore and understand the prospects available to you in the industry. Take time to make contacts and learn how things work in the industry before you make any decisions or plans.

The beautiful merging of film and books is something that is here to stay. Every story is worth sharing, you just need to get your story on the right platform. 

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